11/17/2023: Pentagon officer sentenced to 25 years for double murder in 2021

Pentagon officer David Dixon shot and killed 2 men in the parking lot of his condo on April 7, 2021. A third man was injured and called 911. The man who had shot and killed them was off-duty Pentagon police officer David Dixon. He had seen them in their car and believed the men were breaking into cars in the parking lot of his condo building. He pulled his car up and blocked the men’s car in. The men are seen on security video linked below to slowly drive around him as he pointed a gun and flashlight at them. The men are seen going around him with care not to hit him. As the car rolled past him, he opened fire and fired a series of fatal shots directly into the car rolling past him. Two men, both shot in their backs, died.

When the event was investigated, it was noted that he had no jurisdiction in Maryland as a police officer. He events could not be construed as an on-duty or off-duty officer, just a civilian who was an officer in another state by law. His life had not been at risk. He had not been threatened. He made the decision to kill the men without any threat to his own person or others.

Michael Thomas

Michael Thomas, the third survivor, said the three were in the parking lot looking for tools to steal. They were unarmed and nonthreatening. Attempted theft without violence was their only crime. The killing of the men was a free choice to Dixon who was neither a police officer in Maryland while the crime was not excusable as being either in the line of duty nor in self-defense. They were 2 homicides by the definition of homicide and he was charged as such.

When this story emerged in the news in 2021, it was also discovered that Dixon had recently also attacked and pepper-sprayed a homeless woman without police authority or apparent reason when walking through the same condo parking lot.


Dominique Williams                                         James Lionel Johnson

Officer Dixon, described as a “rogue police officer” by the prosecution was indicted for the double homicide. On November 17, 2023, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison for the murders of James Lionel Johnson and Dominique Williams. The families of the two men killed are relieved that the officer was tried but they stated the sentence was not long enough and that Dixon should not have a chance to “get out and enjoy life.”


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