IMPD Officer Pat Humphrey arrested for a host of sexual abuse charges involving an underage girl

On January 26, 2024, Indianapolis Officer Paul Humphrey was charged in Marion County with 4 counts of sexual misconduct with a minor, a Level 4 felony, 3counts of child seduction, a Level 5 felony, 1count of attempted obstruction of justice, a Level 6 felony, 1 count of official misconduct, a Level 6 felony, 1 count of voyeurism, a Level 6 felony involving a high school girl Humphrey had met while Officer Humphrey act3d as her soccer coach and also as her employer in the officer’s lawn care business. The girl reported that over a period of time, she was groomed and coerced into sexual activity repeatedly by Humphrey who developed obsessive behaviors such as calling 7-10 times when the girl did not text him to say goodnight. He had tracked the girl by GPS and obsessively sent her text messages. When this was reported to the Indiana Child Services, the case worker apparently accidentally contacted Officer Humphrey who demanded screenshots of the investigation against him. The CPS worker allegedly did not provide this.

Alerted that the sexual abuse had been discovered, Officer Humphrey turned on two gas-powered generators in his home, attempting to commit suicide by carbon monoxide. He was found unconscious by officers investigating the case and rescued. Officer Humphrey survived and was suspended with pay while IMPD is allegedly seeking to fire him.



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