Death by Cop  2021-2025

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Erik Poul Moller Nielsen

Gender : Male

Age :

Race : White

Date : 03/31/2022

Location : 100 block of Hawthorne Drive

City : Columbia Township

County : Jackson

State : Michigan

Agency : Columbia Township Police Department

Officer(s) :Ben Hovarter

Cause of Death : Taser

Event : Killed by police during mental health crisis


Police responded to a medical emergency. Erik Nielsen allegedly had a massive seizure at 2 a.m. 911 was called and police appeared. Officer Ben Hovarter allegedly chased the naked postictal man around and fired his taser at him several times. He finally shot Nielsen in the back multiple times, killing him. A person who is postictal after a seizure often cannot respond properly and he likely was unable to understand or cooperate with police in his medical state.