Death by Cop  2022-2024

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Stephen Clay Perkins

Gender : Male

Age : 37

Race : Black

Date : 09/29/2023

Location : Ryan Dr+Poole Valley Rd

City : Decatur

County : Decatur

State : Alabama

Agency : Decatur PD

Officer(s) :Unknown

Cause of Death : Gunshot

Event : Killed by police during vehicle repo


***UPDATE 12/16/2023***
One of the officers involved, Vance Summers, in the killing of Steve Perkins was previously disciplined for kicking someone in the ribs during arrest in 2012. The article is linked below.

*** UPDATE 10/11/2023 ***
Initially, DPD said and ALEA had parroted the statements that Perkins had pointed ‘a handgun which was also equipped with a light’ at officers. It is not confirmed or denied whether this claim still stands or not. Police Chief Perkins said that “inaccurate information” was shared in the initial rush to release information to the public. The story began with Decatur PD making the above claims, echoed by ALEA, then backpedaled again by Decatur PD.

Decatur PD had initially claimed that their officers had ordered Perkins to "drop the weapon." Decatur PD now admit they omitted the "drop the weapon" part. They still maintain that their officers yelled "drop to the ground" before firing or perhaps after firing? The stories are very vague and the PD has admitted having made very serious false and game-changing statements. The full statement by Decatur PD is linked as top link below.

The murder of Stephen Clay Perkins is mired in controversy, coverup and a contested police narrative. Enclosed are both versions, first the official police narrative explaining what led them to kill Stephen Clay Perkins, followed by eyewitness/neighbor and family statements, also statements by family attorneys and ongoing updates on this case.

A tow truck operator was tasked to repossess a vehicle and claims that the owner pulled a gun on them. Towing called Decatur PD who arrived at the home on Ryan Drive and Poole Valley Road together with the tow truck operator. Police allege that the man again pulled a gun. Decatur PD shot and killed him during an erroneous vehicle repo without giving him the ability to respond and without investigating and finding their gross errors (wrong address) before shooting to kill.

Neighbor Justin Shepherd told media that police bullets hit his house and narrowly missed him while he was sleeping in his bed. He added that he had been a war veteran from the Iraq war but had never feared for his life as much as he did that night at home in Decatur, AL when police executed his neighbor and sprayed his home with bullets. Interview linked below.

Since the murder of Stephen Clay Perkins, numerous protests have been organized in Decatur, AL. Calls for the firing and arrest of the shooter officer as well as calls for the mayor to step down echoed throughout Decatur. Attorney Lee Merritt uses #itsonus to post on the Perkins case.

On 10/10/2023, Decatur Mayor Tab Bowling, under public pressure to resign, announced he would not resign but compromised and announced he would not seek re-election for a third term, citing the Stephen Clay Perkins case as reason.

"THEY AMBUSHED HIM! Steve Perkins went to his front yard to investigate why the dog was barking in the early morning hours of Friday September 29, 2023.

What he didn’t know was that a tow truck driver had conspired with several officers to quietly surround his property. This was, in fact, why his dog was barking.

In a matter of seconds, the men hidden in the dark surrounding his property revealed themselves and simultaneously opened fire. He never had a chance to surrender. Officers didn’t announce their presence until the very last moment. Steve was committing no crime. Officers surrounding Steven in his front yard fired over a dozen rounds striking him seven times— killing him. They later discovered the attempted repossession was a mistake.

Our office has been retained to represent the Perkins family. We will join members of the community tomorrow in Decatur, Alabama for a vigil.

Please stay tuned for community action steps. #itsonus

The family strongly denies police allegations and the family’s lawyer released the following statement: “As the Publicist of the Perkins family, this memorandum serves as a statement on the tragic murder of Stephen (Steve) Clay Perkins. It is heartbreaking for Clay Perkin’s wife, children, and family to go through this traumatizing loss without much detail or explanation. The most respectful way for the City of Decatur, Alabama and Decatur Alabama Police Department to respond to this tragedy is with proactivity, and ultimately, transparency when communicating with the family and the Decatur City Community.
It has been rumored that an investigation is taking place, but the City of Decatur has failed to contact the family or acknowledge the incident pertaining to Clay’s death with the family. The family has not received footage of Clay’s deadly encounter from the City of Decatur’s police department or Alabama Law Enforcement Department. Moreover, neither agencies have taken the moment to acknowledge Clay’s death with the family.

Clay’s family and community is owed that closure immediately. It saddens us the City of Decatur failed to offer condolences, pay respect, or notify Mrs. Catrela Perkins (Clay’s Wife) or the family of Clay Perkins upon Decatur Police Department use of excessive force and murder of Clay Perkins.
The city retains body cameras which should have been in use during the incident. The family is calling for the city to deliver the footage to the family. In the meantime, surveillance exists of the incident through home security cameras. The unjust excessive amount of force can be seen in the home surveillance footage.

Rumors have circulated regarding Decatur Police Department’s statement stigmatizing Clay as combative or aggressive, causing rage in marginalized communities across Alabama. This was not the character of Clay Perkins. Clay was a family-oriented young black man thriving for excellence.
While there are a lot of rumors circulating, the family has found financial receipts proving Clay’s monthly payments were processed through his financing company and no evidence of Clay’s vehicle being in an active status of repossession, therefore indicating, the Towing Company and City of Decatur Police Department wrongfully appeared at Clay’s home.

The family has also gained a clear understanding of the excessive amount of force used by Decatur Alabama Police Department with seven wounds to Clay’s body during this encounter with the wrong person and a neighbor home with about nine bullet entry marks located on his home.

In this memorandum, the family is demanding a thorough investigation of the encounter held at Clay’s home on the morning of 29 September 2023. We are calling actions of justice to be served. We are calling for the removal of officers who entered Clay’s home the morning of the event, removal of officers using excessive force, and answers of justice from the city. We do not call for administrative leave of officers involved also known as a “free vacation”.

The family has chosen not to go into detail with media at this time as the unexpected death of Clay has been overbearing and would not like to jeopardize legalities processes or procedures.
As of now, all appropriate measures to ensure justice is served are being taken by the family. While there is no monetary amount that will justify the unjust lost of Clay, we will stand firmly with prominent legal representation on our side until justice is served.

If you would like to donate to this family or provide support for justice, please use the Gofundme account titled: Clay (Steve) Perkins Innocent Black Man Killed.
The family ask for continuous prayers and active voices advocating for justice for Clay Perkins.
All questions and inquiries should be forwarded to Publicist, Dr. Lipscomb at


Statements on Instagram by lawyer Lee Merritt:

Obituary and message from the family:

Petition for mayor to resign: